TWC offers many services online that are generally available 24/7. Services may not be available during our regularly scheduled maintenance time beginning the second Saturday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Central and lasting 12 hours until Sunday at 7:00 a.m.
For employers:
- - Post job openings and search résumés.
- Unemployment Tax Registration - Register a new tax account with TWC.
- Unemployment Tax Services - Submit quarterly wage reports, pay unemployment tax, view unemployment tax account information and adjust previously filed wage reports.
- Unemployment Insurance Employer Response to Notice of Application - Respond to an unemployment claim.
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits Earnings Verification - Respond to a request for earnings verification.
- Employer Benefits Service - Receive most of your unemployment benefits notices and forms electronically.
For job seekers:
- - Register for job search assistance and use TWC's online job resource.
- Unemployment Benefits Services - Estimate potential benefits, apply for benefits, request payment, check claim status and payment history, update your mailing address, view IRS 1099-G information, change payment option, download a work search log, or review the Unemployment Insurance Benefits Handbook.
For veterans:
- Just for Veterans - Create a road map for successful reintegration into civilian life.
- - Use TWC's online job resource and find jobs posted by employers who are interested in hiring veterans.
For training providers:
- WIOA-Eligible Training Provider System (ETPS) - Submit a request for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training provider certification.
- Learner Outcome Tracking System (LOTS) - Submit student-level performance data to determine post-program outcomes for Skills Development Fund and Self-Sufficiency Fund participant training.
For workforce development boards and authorized vendors:
- Cash Draw and Monthly Expenditure Reporting - Authorized vendors process cash draws, adjustments, refunds and expenditure reports on grant contracts.