Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program
- How can I get help with an application while an RFA is open for submissions?
- Who can I contact if I have more questions about the JET Grant program, but not questions about the application or RFA process?
- About how long will it take get the funds if our application is selected?
- How will we find out if our application is or is not a grant winner?
- What if I need to change something on my application after it is submitted?
- Could we purchase a greenhouse to expand our plant science pathway?
- Do specific expenditures and items need to be included in the application?
- Will the minimum cost of a piece of equipment still be $5000? What about accessories for said piece of equipment?
- Will construction or modifications to facilities be covered for this JET grant?
- Do you already have to have received a Jobs in Education grant to be eligible for another JET grant?
- Does this maximum number of grants submitted include past applications submitted or is this criterion relevant to the current application only?
- What does the 50-point threshold mean?
- We have one high school in our district. Can we submit one application for welding and one application for animal science?
- Can one applicant apply for a grant with the same Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) on two campuses so that the equipment purchased with the grant funds will be housed on both campuses?
- May a Texas ISD or open enrollment charter school partner choose a community college site as the primary location for any equipment purchased with JET grant funds?
- Do JET grants require a cash match, if so can you explain that requirement?
- How is the wage impact determined?
- What if my unduplicated student number will be low because the program is in a small school?
- Are letters of support from employers/industry encouraged for an application?
- Is there anything that can automatically disqualify my grant application?
- Can a junior college apply for an eligible high-demand occupation and also be partnered with a Texas ISD or open enrollment charter school that is applying for the same high-demand occupation?
- Can one college partner with multiple Texas ISDs or charter schools if the ISD or charter school is the lead applicant?
- Please elaborate on Texas ISD and open enrollment charter schools partnerships with IHEs for the JET grant.
- Are Texas ISDs and open enrollment charter schools required to partner with an IHE for their applications?
- Are IHEs required to partner with a Texas ISD or open enrollment charter school for their applications?
- Can my school apply for more than one JET grant?
- How much can we ask for in an application?
- Does the application need to be connected to a for-credit program, or can it be a non-credit program offering training?
- Does the application require the program be a new CTE program to be eligible?
- Many people in our community commute for work to other local workforce development board areas, can we include the data for those regions in our application as well?