Vocational Rehabilitation Services
General information about services offered, eligibility, and the application process.
- What is Vocational Rehabilitation?
- What types of disabilities do you serve?
- What services does VR provide?
- Does everyone who apply receive services?
- Am I eligible for vocational rehabilitation services?
- Do I have to be pursuing full time work to apply for VR services?
- What are the age limitations to get VR services?
- If I have a disability, am I automatically eligible for VR services?
- How do I apply for Vocational Rehabilitation Services?
- Do I need to bring documents with me when I apply for services?
- Can I bring someone with me to my application appointment?
- Do I have to pay for vocational rehabilitation services?
- What do I do after I am eligible?
- Are services available for an individual who is homeless?
- How long does it take to know if I am eligible for vocational rehabilitation services?
- Can I reapply for VR services if I had a previous VR case that was closed?
- Why would someone be determined ineligible for VR Services?
- What happens after I complete my application with the counselor?
- What happens if I need an interpreter, translator, or other accommodations for my appointment?
- Are Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services available virtually?
- Are all Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors located within the Workforce Solution Centers?
- What is an Individualized Plan for Employment?
- What is the Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL) program?
- What is the VR-Older Individuals who are Blind Program?
- What is Business Enterprises of Texas?
- What is the Client Assistance Program?
- I currently have an open Workers Compensation case open through my employer, can I still receive VR services?
- Who do I speak to about concerns with my VR services/VR Counselor?
- Are there Vocational Rehabilitation services for veterans?
- If I have a criminal background will VR still work with me?