Texas Industry Partnership
- When can the Workforce Board apply?
- Must the project benefit a larger group beyond the entity providing the match?
- Who can be the training provider? Colleges and other third party? Can the Industry Partner provide the training?
- Who are the eligible Industry Partners?
- Can grant funds be used to pay a stipend for living expenses or supportive services?
- The TWC application uses the term “match.” Will the requirements for matching funds have to be followed?
- Can TIP funds be used for minor renovations to a facility?
- Can TIP funds be used for “paid work experience” or be leveraged against Industry Partner funds allocated for "paid work experience"?
- What is the length of the TIP grant?
- What Industry Partner-funded activities can be matched with TIP funds?
- Can the Board receive more than $150,000 if (a) the Board partners with more than one Industry Partner, or (b) submits an additional application?
- Can TIP funds be leveraged against Industry Partner funds already expended prior to the grant award date?
- Does the TIP program prohibit training individuals who will go to work for a public entity?
- According to the Texas Industry Partnership program (TIP) guidelines, "Boards must provide the signed, written, and dated Agreement(s) to the Agency when they submit applications." Does TWC have copies or sample Agreements available?
- Are there limits as to the type of occupations that can be funded?